Explore the power of art making as a tool for personal and collective renewal!
9:00 - 10:30 am PT / 12:00 - 1:30 pm ET
Tu BiShvat invites us to reflect on our connection to the earth, the ecosystems that sustain us, and our place within the web of life. It’s a time to honor the more-than-human world within and around us and ask: What new possibilities might emerge from what we cannot yet fully see? Using the Jewish Studio Process - a unique methodology combining practices from the field of art therapy with a reimagined approach to Jewish learning and spirituality - we’ll nurture the seeds of our wild imagination, allowing them to gestate in the soil of our soul. This session is offered in partnership with Dayenu: A Jewish Call to Climate Action.
This program is offered free of charge and will take place on Zoom with closed captions.